1 Nov 2015

Hello November! #rainydays #ootd

First Day of November!

New month new opportunities! 

(It`s actually new day new opportunities....but whatever)

Anyway sometimes I don`t feel... I don`t want... to assume something spectacular on me, a specially 

when the rain is outside.
 And in that moment  most important thing to me is to not get a wet!,
and pretect my clothes from total disaster.

So what I do is I wear a simply classic stuff

and put something extra that does not feel queit lazy about myself .

In this moment classic is the best choice for lazy people, you alwyas will defend with blue jeans white shirt and one of my favorite the dark blue rain jacket who always protect me from autumn rain. 

Rain Jacket: VERTICAL
Jeans: Calvin Klein Jeans
T-shirt: ZARA